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Gallery of Dashboards
A business dashboard is an information management tool that is used to track KPIs, metrics, and other key data points relevant to a business, department, or specific process. Through the use of data visualizations, dashboards simplify complex data sets to provide users with at a glance awareness of current performance, revenue and profit.
See the collection of dashboards by Institute of Business Intelligence.
See the collection of dashboards by Institute of Business Intelligence.
All dashboards
Finance & Marketing
HR Analytics
All dashboards
Finance & Marketing
HR Analytics
Customer Base Flows
Chord chart shows flows by the best way and rated chart allow to compare the clusters
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Year Report
All the aspects of business in 1 Power BI report. Left menu allows to go from page to page
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Competitive Position
Set of standart charts and diagrams capaciously and clear shows the large volume of data
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Marketing KPI
Interactive sales funnel is an advertising efficiency assessment basis on different channels
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Customer behavior
Non-standard visualization helps to understand structure of expenses on hierarchy of categories
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Full incomes, expenses and investment picture at the dashboard Finance of 4 pages project
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Digital Marketing
Analytical dashboard with a large number of filters and a set of key indicators
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Customer Profile
Complex characteristic of clients - simple visualization, but 100% hit in the purpose
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Customer Base Flows
customer flows need to be displayed clearly even in a static illustration.
A chord diagram is an optimal solution for any flow type, which, in this case, a customer flow between multiple stores. Additional charts help filter the necessary customer profiles and track the inflow and outflow dynamics.
How It Works
Year Report
The objective is to collect comprehensive post-performance analytics of all business areas for the company shareholders, and to present several dashboards in one project.
You can switch between dashboards in the side menu. 7 activity-specific dashboards have a standard structure - KPI level and 2 levels of diagrams and tables. There are all the key indicators from each dashboard on the homepage. All elements are linked through a branch table in the Security and Quality tab, presented as an example. Besides, each diagram has a unique local filter. KPI affiliation with a certain index on the right is emphasized by the color of the plate so that the numbers remain neutral and easy to read.
How It Works
Competitive Position
The objective is to monitor market share changes relative to competitors in three business areas: the number of stores, the customer's share and the number of visits, as well as the dynamics of the customer flow and outflow.
A rare case of successful bubble chart use includes customers share, average check, and turnover % shown together on the chart. A conditionally formatted table is the best option to show a large and required data volume.
How It Works
Marketing KPI
The objective is to analyze the results of advertising campaigns, to identify the most effective user acquisition channels and track the costs.
The purchase funnel is the best option to understand customer acquisition and conversion. Treemap (tree-shaped chart) is better to visualize the channels cost structure than the traditional pie chart.
How It Works
Customer behavior
Customer behavior monitoring: what do they purchase and which shopping centers choose to spend their money.
The Sankey diagram may seem complex at first glance, but it helps to display customer flows not only by shopping centers but also by goods and service category. A tag cloud clears a report from a large number of diagrams and focuses on the leading stores' names.
How It Works
Presentation of all the financial KPIs on one sheet for the CEO, creating a visual basis for strategic business planning.
KPI cards, charts, tables with conditional formatting are clear information layers. A waveform chart is a non-standard diagram, which presents the rating of the service by profitability over time.
It has a vivid color layout and background related to the business area.
How It Works
Digital Marketing
The objective is to evaluate Internet campaigns performance by 6 key and 2 additional indicators and to track the plan performance over periods and channels.
Several filter types of different styles do not overload the dashboard and make it interesting. Three-level KPI cards include 18 key indicators and keep them readable.
How It Works
Customer Profile
The objective is to present the key customer features in three sections: demography (age and gender, income), expenses (cost structure and shopping time), and in-store purchases from competitors within industry and related industries.
Although the Tornado and Treemap diagrams are non-standard, they are tightly integrated into our lives and allow us to solve various problems conveniently. The heat chart is rarely used, but it is most suitable when you need to show the gradation of values in 7x8 cells.
How It Works
Training Analysis
Big dashboard according to the analysis of quality and learning efficiency of employees
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HR-Metrics: Finance
Main financial KPI in HR-department to control plan implementation and react to changes promptly
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Staff Classification
Dashboard for HR-director gives a complex vision of the company line-up. Made in MS Excel
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360 Assessment
Radar chart shows week and strong competencies of every person in company the best way
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Recruitment Analysis
Beautiful and simple dashboard to analyse the strategy of staff recruitment
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Reasons for Dismissals
Two-level sankey for the understanding of reasons for leaving of employees from the company
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Capacious tables on brands and divisions and complicated KPI with bar charts for assessment of changes
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HR. Start page
Strategic dashboard for assessment of HR key indicators, wage fund and salary in dynamics and process of recruiting
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Performance Assessment
Dashboard shows the dependence of results of productions on qualification of workers
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Employee Profile
Complex dashboard about social and psychological characteristics of every employee in the company
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Engagement Index
Dashboard shows results of inner survey about engagement of employees into the company life
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Training Analysis
The objective is to track employees' feedback on the completed training and to plan an efficient advanced training program.
Several pivot tables with various conditional formatting - histograms and font color in cells display a high-capacity large data volume.
How It Works
HR-Metrics: Finance
The objective is to compare financial metrics with staff costs, to show the payroll share in revenue, and toidentify weak points in budget allocation.
The dashboard is visually divided into 2 parts: financial KPIs of the company and its departments and HR characteristics. By filtering departments, you can analyze the financial results and costs of each.
How It Works
Staff Classification
The objective is to show the company structure in the context of employee groups and department categories using standard tools in Excel.
A clear approach is used to separate data into levels: slicers, KPI cards, 2 diagram levels. The alternation of stylish doughnut charts and histograms creates the diversity effect and helps to combine information into conceptual blocks (left and right half).
How It Works
360 Assessment
The objective is to to assess staff competencies and develop an effective training programme
The radar chart at the dashboard core displays the full picture of expertise and points up the performance indicator that needs to be developed. KPI card indicators display the spread of survey results and employee self-esteem.
How It Works
Recruitment Analysis
Tracking the dynamics, estimating recruitment efficiency within the company, and to improving HR strategy.
Recruitment funnel shows conversion rate at each stage. The dynamics and stage duration are displayed with 2 related diagrams - a graph and a bar chart. A waveform chart displays the dynamics of the key stages.
How It Works
Reasons for Dismissals
The objective is to analyze the staff history - where they came from and where they left after dismissal, as well as the potential causes of dismissal to prevent them.
Two-level Sankey chart displays a wide range of the reasons for dismissal. Filters for various indicators are built in the charts.
How It Works
Evaluation of the payroll share in revenue, payroll share changes over the previous periods and plans, and adjusting the payroll distribution across departments.
Custom block with key indicators: complex horizontal bar charts with variation indicators within the compared figures. Filtered values in conditionally formatted tables display KPIs within the required categories.
How It Works
HR. Start page
Representing the HR department key indicators and tracking the staff rotation tendency between departments.
The tornado diagram up front perfectly demonstrates the headcount ratio and average salary in the department, and the mixed histogram on the right visualizes the gaps between the headcount and staff turnover by month. Tornado filtering shows staff turnover dynamics within each department. The funnel at the bottom reflects the recruitment conversion for newly opened positions, and the color saturation gives a sense of candidates approaching positions in the company.
How It Works
Performance Assessment
The objective is to identify whose performance adversely affects production output and establish a staff development program to focus on poor performance.
The effectiveness of each process is in the first place. By using filters and table rows with conditional formatting, you can assess an employee's competence in each process. The custom waveform chart shows the rating change in quarterly performance success by the brigade.
How It Works
Employee Profile
The objective is to gather all the available information on social, material, and psychological characteristics of each employee to improve the motivation system.
There is no upper level of KPI since there is no need in general or average indicators. The structural picture by departments, which is presented in charts, and information about each particular employee can be filtered in the large table below. Upfront there is a 100% stacked column chart, which sets the motivation trend - money and career. Infographic elements (icons in the diagram of social dimensions) are used for easier emotional resonance. This also works for space-saving since text takes up more space.
How It Works
Engagement Index
The objective is to visualize survey findings of employees' involvement and performance management, and to improve the company atmosphere to a higher quality level.
The dashboard is divided into 2 conceptual blocks of the same structure: KPI, the answers to specific questions, and the employee possible answers distribution diagram in the form of a 100% stacked bar chart. The blocks are divided from each other, but there is also filtering by questions; the productivity category also filters the questions on the right.
How It Works
Sales Geography
Bright colours to show regional sales characteristics. Case there a map is a working tool
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Wellness Club
How huge data based of 3,5 thousands of customers could be shown in easy and readely way
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E-commerce Performance
Complex representation of results of sales on managers, sales channels and clients
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Sales by Channels
3 charts with the same structure for easy perception of the same data on different key indicators
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Cost Formation
You see cost of the product on divisions: dynamics and factors of change
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Sales Geography
The objective is to see sales volume at a glance, to understand which product is sold better, in which region and how this is related to the product's geography.
This is a rare chance of applying the map when it displays the affiliation of regions to macro-regions and filters other diagrams without additional sections. Sankey diagram clearly shows the product sales distribution by region, and several standardized bar charts aligned against each other allow you to compare sales in different units.
How It Works
Wellness Club
The objective is to analyze profit indicators and a map of fitness-club network customers, to find growth opportunities
There is a trendline (sparkline, which shows the trend data over the last year) in each KPI card in addition to a large dynamics chart. There is an address of the individual client on the map. Filters by gender and age may help to find interesting dependencies between customer residence and club location and thus to develop a customer capture system for a certain territory.
How It Works
E-commerce Performance
The objective is to display the margin plan/actual by managers, sales channels, and product segments, account base structure, and the dynamics on a single dashboard.
Managers plan performance is presented in the form of a custom Bullet-Chart by OKViz in Power BI, sales funnel transactions, contracts, payments and conditional formatting tables, designed "in the chart from".
How It Works
Sales by Channels
The objective is to show the key company activity indicators - the dynamics and % of sales plan performance, stock plan, and marketing budget for all market outlets.
A set of visualizations of the same type for each of the three directions from custom two-level KPI cards, tornado diagrams, and flow charts.
How It Works
Cost Formation
The objective is to evaluate indicators that increase product cost and to solve the issue of bonus payments to the heads of departments.
The waterfall chart displaying cash flow is turned upside down for convenient placement of the legend. It is scaled in a way that makes a small changeable part of it noticeable. Color indicators are connected to the values in KPI cards.
How It Works
for CEO
Get a management control system for small and medium-sized businesses for a month
a clear system of KPIs to manage your business
the visual and clear reporting system for business users, not for technical ones
a clear financial picture: revenues and expenditures of your business
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Dashboard for CEO
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